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Alpha Sharks collection has a total supply of 6,969. Following is the distribution of total supply.

  1. Llamaverse mint Supply: 4000 | Price: Ξ0.20 | Date: TBA

  2. Whitelist mint Supply: 1500 | Price: Ξ0.2 | Date: TBA

  3. Public mint Supply: 469 | Price: Ξ0.30 | Date: TBA

  4. Legendary Sharks Supply: 1000 | Price: TBA | Date: Quarter 3, 2022

1. Llamaverse Genesis Mint

Supply: 4000 | Price: Ξ0.20 | Date: 25th March

All Llamaverse Genesis holders will have the opportunity to mint an Alpha Sharks NFT.

2. Whitelist Mint

Supply: 1500 | Price: Ξ0.2 | Date: 25th March

Everyone who made it on to the whitelist will have the opportunity to mint an Alpha Sharks NFT.

3. Public Mint

Supply: 469 | Price: Ξ0.30 | Date: 25th March

469 Alpha Sharks will be publicly mint-able. Any supply left from Whitelist mint will be added to this Public sale.

  • Price: Ξ0.30

  • Max mint: 1 per transaction

3. Legendary Sharks

Holding an Alpha Shark will give you access to a private Dutch Auction to mint the Legendary Sharks.

This auction will be held in the Phase 3 of the project (Quarter 3 of 2022)

Last updated